Hestia Waldorf aan de Werf
J.H. Hisgenpad 394, Amsterdam-Noord | Tel. 06-86863440
Hestia Early Learning Centre works with Waldorf aan de Werf in Amsterdam-Noord. This is an intercultural primary school that opened in 2020. For now located in Nieuwendam, with moving plans for a later stadium to a new building project in the NDSM area. The school started with 2 kindergarten groups (group 1 and 2) and one first class (group 3). Waldorf aan de Werf also offers after school care. The school has decided to collaborate with Hestia, because of the similarities and overlap between our ‘Hestia Way’ and the Waldorf education.
Waldorf schools are based on the anthroposophical human image which stems from the anthroposophical philosophy by Rudolf Steiner. In a Waldorf school, children learn the same skills as in a regular primary school, but they learn more, broader. They do not just learn basic skills like to read, write and do math. But they also learn foreign languages, dance, sing, perform in the theatre and arts, they will do gardening and celebrate festivals. Physical exercise is also of great importance in education, as well as playing outside in rainy or stormy weather, or in the sunshine. A large number of the Amsterdam citizens has a double cultural back ground. At the Waldorf school they embrace all of these religions and cultures, because everyone has their own, individual story. The school regards this as an enrichment for their curriculum.
The vision of Waldorf aan de Werf connects to Hestia Early Learning Centre and our Reggio Emilia philosophical approach in many ways: every child is rich and competent, diversity and bilingualism. Hestia started with one group. You can enroll your child(ren) throug our registration form.
For questions regarding rates and placement, please contact our head office for more information: Tel. 020-6618710 or via planning.plaatsing@hestiakinderopvang.nl.
LRK-number: 312777590
Your child’s safety, both physically and emotionally, is the most important to us. Would you like to learn more about how we deal with this, please read more here.Inspection
This is the most recent inspection of this location:
Investigation after relocation requestThis is the most recent annual report:
Annual InspectionThe inspection reports of the Hestia locations (Dutch only) can be found on the website of Landelijk Register Kinderopvang.
House rules and general terms
House rules and general information WadW -
22 children | 4 - 8 years